We are very concerned landowners/residents in Lincoln County, Oklahoma, who recently learned that Apex (Sandstone Project)
and Enel (Cedar Run Project) are planning to install 612’ tall wind turbines across our county. Lincoln County is east of I-35 and we
have LOTS of tall, beautiful trees AND WE LIVE ON OUR LAND!
The tall trees are why they want to install 612' turbines!
Some of us have lived here for 5 generations; our ancestors homesteaded this land. Other families bought overworked, overgrown land and turned it into something beautiful. Many others left the noise of the big city to raise a family or to retire to our slower paced, tranquil Lincoln County. Our way of life is now being threatened by these huge U.S. government subsidized companies.
("No Wind Turbines Lincoln County" on Facebook is a public group.)
("Lincoln County Oklahoma Wind Turbine 2024" on Facebook is a private group that you can request to join.)
The old adage was "my rights end yhere your nose begins". If someone puts a 612' wind turbine on their property, who does it affect? How far does the shadow-flicker extend? How far do those ground vibrations go? Do the property boundaries prevent the negative effects from crossing into my property? No, of course not.
It takes 1000 TONS of concrete deep in the ground to install a 612' wind turbine. What would it take to remove one of those things? How much would it cost? What is your property worth now? What is it good for? Who would ever want to buy it?
One cannot live safely anywhere near a 612’ wind turbine! They may seem quiet when you see them at a distance, but within their shadow they cause wide-ranging health problems that trigger epileptic seizures and aggravate heart conditions and they produce pollutants that threaten our vital central Oklahoma Garber Wellington Aquifer as well as wildlife, animals and crops. Finally, the defunct turbines (which have only a 20-year lifespan, are often abandoned and never deconstructed.